--- Comment #7 from Francisco Jerez <> ---
(In reply to Ilia Mirkin from comment #6)
> (In reply to Francisco Jerez from comment #5)
> > Most likely this bug is not caused by the Clang compiler itself, but by
> > the standard library implementation.  Apparently FreeBSD ships with
> Yes, absolutely.
> > LLVM's libc++ as default implementation these days, which implements the
> > C++11 standard library and doesn't attempt to support the TR1 namespace,
> > which is a C++03-specific extension.
> OK. nouveau doesn't work on FreeBSD; any reason for me to care about it?

*Shrug*, maybe not until the remainig bits are ported to FreeBSD.  In any case
libc++ is nothing FreeBSD-specific, most major Linux distributions package it
as well.

> > 
> > > If someone maps out the various version support for all this, perhaps we 
> > > can
> > > make a decision. Or some other approach is the standard way to deal with
> > > this?
> > 
> > I'd suggest we apply Vinson's patch and then build the codegen back-end
> > with -std=c++0x (available on GCC 4.3 and later), otherwise GNU's
> > libstdc++ will emit an error if you include any of the C++11 headers
> > while building in C++98/03 mode.  -std=c++11 would work too but it's
> > only supported since GCC 4.7.  Any reasonably recent Clang version (at
> > least 2.9) should support both switches.
> My concern is the boxes on which nouveau works fine but have older compilers
> (I'm thinking of RHEL or Ubuntu LTS style situations). I want those to work
> a lot more than I want nouveau to build on FreeBSD/OSX/whatever.
> IIRC tr1 support came with GCC 4.0 or 4.1 or so, but I don't know which
> compilers came with which distros. I guess mesa already requires gcc 4.2 for
> something, so moving that up to 4.3 for nouveau may not be such a huge deal.
> I guess a patch which turns on -std=c++0x for codegen would be fine by me.

Maybe, I don't know if there's anyone left using GCC 4.2, and whether we should
care.  GCC 4.3 happened almost 7 years ago, Ubuntu 10 LTS (the oldest release
still supported by Canonical), RHEL 5 and 6 seem to be shipping GCC 4.4

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