
 One comment on the code, or rather a request to the reviewer of the code. The 
icky part of checking this patch is correct is checking that the remaining 
instances of gl_framebuffer::Width, Height, MaxNumLayers and Visaul.samples are 
"correct". I believe I "got 'em all", of those that should be changed and those 
changed should be changed, but the part of checking if the remaining unchanged 
bits is not seen from the raw diff. Also, the exchange I had with Topi 
previously, what I was really after was just this, to make sure this gets 
checked and I got terribly, embarrassingly sidetracked by to split and include 
or not include work for a particular Gen4/5 atom only atom. My sincere 
apologies for all the traffic and me making, by my actions, the community and 
development process worse.

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