On Thu, May 21, 2015 at 5:26 PM, Rogovin, Kevin <kevin.rogo...@intel.com> wrote:
> HI,
>>Or 78 columns, to be safe, but there's exceptions, like if you're
>> defining a big static table/array of info.
> Uggg.... I don't mind exceptions, but knowing them is key.
>>>   4. successive parenthesis must have spaces between parenthesis
>> Example?
> if (some_func(some_argument))
> is bad, but
> if (some_func(some_argument) )
> is good. I am also guessing that
> a = foo(bar(x));
> is bad and must be changed to
> a = foo(bar(x) );

That's not a style I've ever seen. Some old Mesa code always puts
spaces around the condition in an if statement, like if ( cond ), but
there's nothing about just an extra space at the end.

>>>   6. Use "whether condition" when describing a bool instead of "true if 
>>> condition is true"
>> not sure we care about that.
> I hit a nit for it in the series, so someone cared.
>>   7. derived values of structs -should- be prefixed with an underscore (this 
>> rule is loaded with exceptions in the code base from its evolution)
>>   8.  "indenting" is 3 spaces, except after switch where it is 0 (but after 
>> case it is 3).
>>   9.  open bracket on same line
> The 'indent' command in the docs should cover that.
>> >  11. functions for an extension must check if extension is supported and 
>> > if not emit an INVALID_OPERATION message instead of relying on function 
>> > table dispatch to guarantee they are not called.
>> Not sure about that, but that's not a coding style standard.
> Perhaps coding standard is not the right word, but it is a requirement 
> (atleast it seems that way) and is a trivial requirement to satisfy.
>>>   12. (Guessing here) consecutive empty lines are not allowed
>> Generally true, except between functions.
> Ugg... I hit a nit from an extra space between functions.

You hit a nit because you were inconsistent. Look at your patch.
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