Brian Paul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I see your point, Kendall, but the donation from id to Keith was
> sort of a special case.  As he explained, Keith was doing a lot of
> work for free and completing the work was in jeopardy.  I sure
> appreciate Keith and id's commitment to finishing this valuable
> work. 

Yes, I am sure the entire Mesa community very much appreciate Keith's 
work as well. Certainly I appreciate all he has been doing.

> In the future, I'll scrutinize any proposed donation carefully.
> I'll probably reject any generic donations because of the logistic
> problems you describe.  But in the case where specific work needs
> to be done by specific people, a donation/sponsorship is pretty
> straight-forward to understand.  In the past, for example, some of
> us have received complementary video cards to help develop the
> Glide driver. 

As I mentioned to Keith, corporate sponsorship for specific projects 
is perfectly fine with me and in fact that is how I prefer for people 
to get paid for their work. We just need make sure it is clear this 
is how the payment is being handled rather than a generic donation.

> It would have been a nightmare to try to divide id's donation among
> other past/present Mesa contributors.  It goes without saying that
> I appreciate everyone's contribution but I certainly hope no one
> has gotten involved with the expectation of a monetary reward. 

Yes, that is why generic donations are simply not acceptable because 
of the problems trying to figure out how to distribute it (except 
perhaps if we go via sourceXchange).

> I haven't given much thought to organized funding and frankly, I
> hope I don't have to (I'd rather spend my time coding).  I'll
> check out the sourceXchange page later. 

Brian, I don't believe it is your job to seek organised funding for 
Mesa. Rather it is the job of corporations that are actively using 
Mesa and want to sponsor it to figure out how. This includes us here 
at SciTech, id Software and others. We don't have the corporate 
infrastucture here at SciTech to deal with this, but it does look to 
me like sourceXchange may be a great way to manage this.

> PS: Kendall, this is in no way a flame.  Keith, sorry about the on-line
> follow-up but I felt it was necessary.

None of it was taken as a flame.

Best Regards,

|   SciTech Software - Building Truly Plug'n'Play Software!     |
| Kendall Bennett          | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]    |
| Director of Engineering  | Phone: (530) 894 8400              |
| SciTech Software, Inc.   | Fax  : (530) 894 9069              |
| 505 Wall Street          | ftp  :         |
| Chico, CA 95928, USA     | www  :  |

Mesa-dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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