Hi all,

My name is Rick Richardson, and I've been following this project for a
though time constraints from both work, and work away from work have
kept me from jumping into one of sub-projects going on within mesa, I
should see myself having much more time soon as my part time work is
becoming full time, and my full time is disappearing. But enough about
me. The question I had was
about non-opengl features that will be supported by mesa. Just recently
I was dismayed to learn that most cards do support render-to-texture for
environment mapping etc. but it was not supported on OpenGl. only on
DirectX. Now I know mesa has gone outside the bounds with driver
support, e.g. 3dfx. And I was wondering if the same can be done with
needed features that don't seem to be getting any attention from IHV's
in the line of EXT's.

Has this been discussed?  What do you think?

R. L. Richardson III

   "Windows leads to anger. Anger leads to hate.
 Hate leads to Linux."

Mesa-dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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