Hi all,

In the latest CVS in vbxform.c a procedure gl_flush is added. This gives a
conflict on those systems (like VMS) which have a case insensitive linker with
the procedure gl_Flush in misc.c. One of the two should get another name.
I do not know which one should be selected.


Ceterum censeo tertium millennium post Christum natum anno MMI incepturum esse


  Jouk Jansen

  Technische Universiteit Delft        tttttttttt  uu     uu  ddddddd
  Nationaal centrum voor HREM          tttttttttt  uu     uu  dd    dd
  Rotterdamseweg 137                       tt      uu     uu  dd     dd
  2628 AL Delft                            tt      uu     uu  dd     dd
  Nederland                                tt      uu     uu  dd    dd
  tel. 31-15-2781536                       tt       uuuuuuu   ddddddd


Mesa-dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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