> Arne Jorgensen followed your progress last week until Friday 
> 17 September where he every day during last week said when running 
> simple tests that more and more was working. However, he could not 
> successfully run any of our complicated polygons. However, Arne is 
> on leave this week but will continue testing Monday 27 September. 
> He can then use your latest version and give you feedback. If
> necessary, we can make available to you some of our huge polygons 
> (simple printout of coordinates on a file?).

Sorry for the delay, I've been pretty seriously ill for the last week but am
back at work again today.

How is the schedule looking for your demos?  I committed a lot of fixes over
the weekend, including the second initial winding rule code.

Again, having a simple coordinate dump of some of your larger polygons would
help me immensely.  If I have the polygons, I can fix any bugs that arise
straight away.

> We appreciate all the work you are doing.

Again, no worries, I'm glad I can help.

-- Gareth

Mesa-dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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