On 11/8/05, Ian Romanick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Try setting LIBGL_NO_DRAWARRAYS=1 in your shell before running your app.

Cool!  Sure enough, DrawArrays then works.
There are two ways that DrawArrays can be implemented in GLX.  The first way is to just break the call down into individual immediate mode calls (e.g., glVertex, glNormal, etc.).  There is also specific DrawArrays protocol that can be used in some cases.

yeah, I saw that when I was skimming through the code yesterday.  (DrawArrays_old vs. DrawArrays_none).  Given that and that the NVidia driver exports EXT_vertex_arrays and supports vbo, I guess
DrawArrays_old is sending the old opcode and the nvidia driver isn't supporting it and is instead expecting the new opcode.  (if i understand that all correctly)

The protocol is not used (though it could be with some work) with DrawElements.  I suspect setting that env. var. will work around the problem, but it won't help determine where the error is.

The env. var. does indeed work-around the problem.

Can you test indirect rendering to a non-Nvidia server?

Unfortunately, the linux machines I have access to that also have graphics, happen to have an Nvidia card in them with NVidia's drivers.  If I get time, maybe I'll burn a Knoppix CD or something and temporarily hijack one of the windows machines.

If nothing else, you should file a bug on this, and I'll try to
investigate it this week.

will do.  I feel better about doing that now that I have a better clue as to where the problems lie.


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