--- Comment #9 from Manuel Moos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  2008-12-10 00:53:01 PST ---
(Another Armagetron Advanced Developer reporting)

We're using custom C++ array classes to feed pointers to OpenGL; they always
have a valid data pointer, unlike most STL implementations. Passing NULL
pointers into OpenGL is definitely not the problem. I've been using BuGLe to
trace our OpenGL usage recently, analyzing the resulting call traces with a
small Python program for anomalies; the few (harmless ones; like calling
glDeleteLists while recording another list, which should be legal) have been
eliminated. glBegin/End pairs definitely match, and all commands inside display
lists are legal, no undefined display lists are used.

What *may* be the problem is that we're using display list as geometry caches
in the new alpha versions (not in previous stable releases, there we only use
them for static geometry). We have lots of geometry that is in principle
dynamic, but doesn't change often on a frame-to-frame basis; so to optimize
rendering, we put it into display lists and only update the lists when
something changes. The way we do this can result in *empty* display lists from
time to time.

Anyway, at least for software rendering, it seems Mesa 7.2 is no longer
afffected by this problem:
I'm asking the DRI users to verify this.

Assuming 7.2 turns out to be clean for them, too: If you still want us to get
down to the root of the issue for 7.0.x and 7.1, I can reproduce the crash
there rather reliably now with the debug recording attached to the linked

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