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Here is the initial version of the assembly extension that was discussed
at XDC.  This is a very early alpha version, and some parts are not yet
complete.  At this point, I am mainly looking for two things in a review:

- - Are there any issues marked "RESOLVED" where you disagree with the
resolution?  I'm especially interested in issues 2, 4, and 19.

- - Are there any issues marked "UNRESOLVED" that you have an opinion on
or data to support a resolution?  I'm especially interested in issues 7,
11, 15, and 34 (resolution may be related to 4).

- - Are there any instructions listed that cannot be trivially supported
on some relevant hardware?  Some instructions expand to multiple real
instructions (e.g., NRM).  As long as the expansion is trivial and only
adds one or two extra instructions, this is okay.

- - Is there some important SM3 feature that's missing?  I plan to
circulate this around the Wine community after the next revision.

There is some goofy formatting and issue numbering.  This is done to
minimize the diffs with GL_NV_gpu_program4.  The output of 'diff -d
- --side-by-side -W 165 MESA_gpu_program3 NV_gpu_program4' is pretty
readable and useful.

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