So, with half-float vert attribs looming on the horizon, I want to
address, hopefully with some finality, vertex attrib formats.

Basically, should drivers be expected to use aux/translate on
pipe_vertex_buffers that have pipe_vertex_elements not supported in

If so, then there's probably a bit more code that can be built up to
automate the process. Also it kind of sucks because we can't translate
on bind (the st could remap and change VBO data behind our backs) and
so we must translate on every single draw. Obviously there's ways to
alleviate this, but they all require a tad more typing than I'm going
to commit to right now.

If not, then can we add a new target/usage/whatever to
is_format_supported, or rename it to is_texture_format_supported and
add is_vertex_format_supported? Let the state tracker worry about this

Either way, I anticipate having to build a function that, given a
pipe_vertex_element and pipe_vertex_buffer, and a list of acceptable
pipe_formats, internally magically modifies things inside so that all
resulting VBOs are safe for HW.


Corbin Simpson

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