Keith Whitwell <> writes:

> It's a very rare application that can render half a frame to one sized 
> framebuffer and the other half to another and expect to have a meaningful 
> result.
> It's also incredibly difficult to write a driver that produces any sensible 
> result when the render-target size changes halfway through a frame.  There 
> are a bunch of reasons for this, including the fact that the driver will have 
> unflushed command buffers referring to the old size that are suddenly invalid 
> when a new size materializes. 
> Basically one of the best things we ever did was stop checking the DRI1 sarea 
> for window size changes except at swapbuffer and makecurrent times.  Being 
> able to resize windows without seeing mangled/garbage frames in the middle 
> was a huge step forwards.

As Michel said, that isn't what this changeset does, the new buffers
don't kick in until the application becomes aware of them. And that
shouldn't happen "mid-frame" unless the application is expecting it to
happen at that point.

> My pet take on this is that we should go one step further and modify GLX 
> semantics to allow a stretch blit on swapbuffers to scale the rendered image 
> up/down to the new window size.
Wouldn't that mean modifying the viewport transform behind the user's
back? Or would the "window" dimensions stay constant?

> There is no possible way to make sure that the driver always produces a frame 
> that matches the new window size (as it may change in the middle of a frame, 
> etc), this seems like by far the nicest approach from a users perspective.  
> It disregards an aspect of the GLX spec - I'm interested to hear if anyone 
> can figure out a way to square that circle...
> Keith

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