Hi all, i'm trying to use yocto on my udoo quad board : http://www.udoo.org/. I followed this two tutorial : - wandboard : http://wiki.wandboard.org/Getting_started_with_Yocto_on_Wandboard - meta for udoo : http://www.udoo.org/forum/udoo-support-yocto-dora-t826.html (https://github.com/rongals/meta-ronga-udoo)

I have make a first release with core-minimal-image to test it with dora branch in december. It work fine. After that i tried to do the same with bitbake fsl-core-gui but i had some error (see the post on udoo forum). This week end i decided to retry yocto with the last stable branch (dizzy). I make a core-minimal-image and core-image-sato. Bitbake works fine but when i create the sd card with sudo dd if=tmp/deploy/images/<MACHINE>/core-image-minimal-<MACHINE>.sdcard of=/dev/sd<N> bs=1M my card don't boot on udoo (the first image with dora branch work with the same procedure !) On wandboard forum i found this post http://forums.wandboard.org/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=843&p=3437#p3437 , apparently they have a problem with dizzy branch to create an sdcard image, do you confirm that ? how i can resolve this ?

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