Title: Samsung Enterprise Portal mySingle


I'm trying to run Tizen Linux in the machine with Intel ivy bridge, and 64MB main memory. I followed the instructions in https://wiki.tizen.org/wiki/Tizen_on_yocto. But it failed to boot becuase out of memory. The image which is made after the instructions includes weston for GUI, and systemd for init. It seems that they use too many memory to run on the machine with 64MB. I saw that the image core-image-sato, which includes X and matchbox for GUI and sysvinit for init, is able to run on QEMU-ARM with 64MB, even though it failed to do on QEMU-x86_64. But especially I am interested to boot the image with weston. I wonder what I am missing. Is there someone who succeeded to boot the Tizen Linux or a Linux with weston in this kind of environments, or can give me some advice?


Best regards,
Hyungwon Hwang


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