On Tue, 2017-07-18 at 15:42 -0700, Cal Sullivan wrote:
> >>   Adding the signing portion like this would make my goal a bit harder.
> > The code can always be refactored, as long as the end-result is the same
> > (do_uefiapp_deploy puts signed bootx64.efi into the rootfs).
> Shouldn't be an issue. The bbclass should be able to handle signing any 
> valid binary at any point.

Agreed. There are multiple ways, ranging from functions defined in
the .bbclass to shared Python modules under meta-intel/lib, so we are
not limited to overriding one specific task.

> > uefi-comboapp.bbclass is now in meta-intel master. I think it should be
> > fixed or reverted before releasing M2. I don't have a preference either
> > way.
> With your patch it should be okay functionally and usable in refkit, 
> which will get us through M2. I'll work on generalizing the signing 
> portion better before moving on to other secure boot implementations, 
> but these will need to wait until after M2.

Sounds like a plan. I have a patch ready for refkit (*) which drops the
code from image-dsk.bbclass and uses uefi-comboapp.bbclass instead, so
we just need to get this patch merged into meta-intel.

(*) https://github.com/pohly/intel-iot-refkit/commits/uefi-combo-app

Best Regards, Patrick Ohly

The content of this message is my personal opinion only and although
I am an employee of Intel, the statements I make here in no way
represent Intel's position on the issue, nor am I authorized to speak
on behalf of Intel on this matter.

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