Hello all,

I'm new to this mailing list, so forgive me if I post this question in the wrong place.

I'm using Petalinux 2018.2 on a Zynq which comes with openssl 1.0.2l and I want to exchange encrypted files with an x86 linux which has openssl 1.0.2g. I use aes256 for encryption. However the Zynq gives 'bad decrypt' error messages when trying to decrypt the files from the x86. The same goes vice versa.

I also tried with openssl 1.0.2g and openssl 1.0.2o on windows. Works fine with x86 linux, but not with the Zynq.

Then I compiled openssl 1.0.2p from source for the Zynq and that also works.

In short, it's the openssl that petalinux/yocto provides that is incompatible.

Going back to an older petalinux 2017.4 which has openssl 1.0.2j also works as expected.

Is this a known problem that is maybe already fixed? I couldn't find any mention of it.

Btw. the failing openssl seems to correctly decrypt its own encrypted files.

command lines used:
ubuntu16-lts> openssl aes256 -in file1 -out file1.aes
zynq> openssl aes256 -d -in file1.aes -out file1

Hoping for some answers,

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