This should be more accessible to readers on narrow terminals
(or giant fonts) while providing a chronological view which
is also aware of message threading relationships.
 TODO                          |   2 -
 lib/PublicInbox/ |  42 +++----
 lib/PublicInbox/       | 248 ++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 lib/PublicInbox/        |   9 +-
 t/plack.t                     |   2 +-
 5 files changed, 115 insertions(+), 188 deletions(-)

diff --git a/TODO b/TODO
index f29f2f0..3b6401f 100644
--- a/TODO
+++ b/TODO
@@ -4,8 +4,6 @@ TODO items for public-inbox
 * mailmap support (same as git) for remapping expired email addresses
-* WWW: Hybrid flat view + thread skeleton (requires Xapian)
 * POP3 server, since some webmail providers support external POP3:
diff --git a/lib/PublicInbox/ b/lib/PublicInbox/
index ae875bf..fbef411 100644
--- a/lib/PublicInbox/
+++ b/lib/PublicInbox/
@@ -163,44 +163,34 @@ sub tdump {
        } else { # order by time (default for threaded view)
+       my $skel = '';
        my $state = {
+               -inbox => $ctx->{-inbox},
+               anchor_idx => 1,
                ctx => $ctx,
-               anchor_idx => 0,
-               pct => \%pct,
                cur_level => 0,
-               -inbox => $ctx->{-inbox},
+               dst => \$skel,
                fh => $fh,
+               mapping => {},
+               pct => \%pct,
+               prev_attr => '',
+               prev_level => 0,
+               seen => {},
+               srch => $ctx->{srch},
+               upfx => './',
        $ctx->{searchview} = 1;
-       PublicInbox::View::walk_thread($th, $state, *tdump_ent);
-       PublicInbox::View::thread_adj_level($state, 0);
+       PublicInbox::View::walk_thread($th, $state,
+               *PublicInbox::View::pre_thread);
+       PublicInbox::View::thread_entry($state, $_, 0) for @m;
-       $fh->write(search_nav_bot($mset, $q). "\n\n" .
+       $fh->write(search_nav_bot($mset, $q). "\n\n" . $skel . "\n" .
                        foot($ctx). '</pre></body></html>');
-sub tdump_ent {
-       my ($state, $level, $node) = @_;
-       my $mime = $node->message;
-       if ($mime) {
-               # lazy load the full message from mini_mime:
-               my $mid = mid_mime($mime);
-               $mime = eval { $state->{-inbox}->msg_by_mid($mid) } and
-                       $mime = Email::MIME->new($mime);
-       }
-       if ($mime) {
-               my $end = PublicInbox::View::thread_adj_level($state, $level);
-               PublicInbox::View::index_entry($mime, $level, $state);
-               $state->{fh}->write($end) if $end;
-       } else {
-               my $mid = $node->messageid;
-               PublicInbox::View::ghost_flush($state, '', $mid, $level);
-       }
 sub foot {
        my ($ctx) = @_;
        my $foot = $ctx->{footer} || '';
diff --git a/lib/PublicInbox/ b/lib/PublicInbox/
index 30339cd..65788db 100644
--- a/lib/PublicInbox/
+++ b/lib/PublicInbox/
@@ -89,77 +89,72 @@ sub _hdr_names ($$) {
        ascii_html(join(', ', PublicInbox::Address::names($val)));
+sub nr_to_s ($$$) {
+       my ($nr, $singular, $plural) = @_;
+       return "0 $plural" if $nr == 0;
+       $nr == 1 ? "$nr $singular" : "$nr $plural";
 # this is already inside a <pre>
 sub index_entry {
        my ($mime, $level, $state) = @_;
-       my $midx = $state->{anchor_idx}++;
+       $state->{anchor_idx}++;
        my $ctx = $state->{ctx};
        my $srch = $ctx->{srch};
        my $hdr = $mime->header_obj;
        my $subj = $hdr->header('Subject');
        my $mid_raw = mid_clean(mid_mime($mime));
-       my $id = anchor_for($mid_raw);
-       my $seen = $state->{seen};
-       $seen->{$id} = "#$id"; # save the anchor for children, later
+       my $id = id_compress($mid_raw);
+       my $id_m = 'm'.$id;
        my $mid = PublicInbox::Hval->new_msgid($mid_raw);
        my $root_anchor = $state->{root_anchor} || '';
        my $path = $root_anchor ? '../../' : '';
        my $href = $mid->as_href;
        my $irt = in_reply_to($hdr);
-       my $parent_anchor = $seen->{anchor_for($irt)} if defined $irt;
-       $subj = ascii_html($subj);
-       $subj = "<a\nhref=\"${path}$href/\">$subj</a>";
-       $subj = "<u\nid=u>$subj</u>" if $root_anchor eq $id;
+       $subj = '<b>'.ascii_html($subj).'</b>';
+       $subj = "<u\nid=u>$subj</u>" if $root_anchor eq $id_m;
        my $ts = _msg_date($hdr);
-       my $rv = "<pre\nid=s$midx>";
-       $rv .= "<b\nid=$id>$subj</b>\n";
-       my $txt = "${path}$href/raw";
-       my $fh = $state->{fh};
+       my $rv = "<pre><a\nhref=#e$id\nid=$id_m>#</a> ";
+       $rv .= $subj;
+       my $mhref = $path.$href.'/';
        my $from = _hdr_names($hdr, 'From');
-       $rv .= "- $from @ $ts UTC (<a\nhref=\"$txt\">raw</a>)\n";
+       $rv .= "\n- $from @ $ts UTC\n";
        my @tocc;
        foreach my $f (qw(To Cc)) {
                my $dst = _hdr_names($hdr, $f);
                push @tocc, "$f: $dst" if $dst ne '';
        $rv .= '  '.join('; +', @tocc) . "\n" if @tocc;
-       $fh->write($rv .= "\n");
-       my $mhref = "${path}$href/";
+       $rv .= "\n";
        # scan through all parts, looking for displayable text
-       msg_iter($mime, sub { index_walk($fh, $mhref, $_[0]) });
-       $rv = "\n" . html_footer($hdr, 0, $ctx, "$path$href/#R");
+       msg_iter($mime, sub { $rv .= add_text_body($mhref, $_[0]) });
+       $rv .= "\n<a\nhref=\"$mhref\"\n>permalink</a>" .
+               " / <a\nhref=\"${mhref}raw\">raw</a> / ";
+       my $mapping = $state->{mapping};
+       my $nr_c = $mapping->{$mid_raw} || 0;
+       my $nr_s = 0;
        if (defined $irt) {
-               unless (defined $parent_anchor) {
-                       my $v = PublicInbox::Hval->new_msgid($irt, 1);
-                       $v = $v->as_href;
-                       $parent_anchor = "${path}$v/";
-               }
-               $rv .= " <a\nhref=\"$parent_anchor\">parent</a>";
+               $nr_s = ($mapping->{$irt} || 0) - 1;
+               $nr_s = 0 if $nr_s < 0;
+               $irt = anchor_for($irt);
+               $rv .= "<a\nhref=#$irt>#parent</a>,";
+       } else {
+               $rv .= 'root message:';
+       $nr_s = nr_to_s($nr_s, 'sibling', 'siblings');
+       $nr_c = nr_to_s($nr_c, 'reply', 'replies');
+       $rv .= " <a\nhref=#r$id\nid=e$id>$nr_s, $nr_c</a>";
+       $rv .= " / <a\nhref=\"${mhref}#R\">reply</a>";
        if (my $pct = $state->{pct}) { # used by
                $rv .= " [relevance $pct->{$mid_raw}%]";
-       } elsif ($srch) {
-               my $threaded = 'threaded';
-               my $flat = 'flat';
-               my $end = '';
-               if ($ctx->{flat}) {
-                       $flat = "<b>$flat</b>";
-                       $end = "\n"; # for lynx
-               } else {
-                       $threaded = "<b>$threaded</b>";
-               }
-               $rv .= " [<a\nhref=\"${path}$href/t/#u\">$threaded</a>";
-               $rv .= "|<a\nhref=\"${path}$href/T/#u\">$flat</a>]$end";
-       $fh->write($rv .= '</pre>');
+       $state->{fh}->write($rv .= "\n</pre>"); # '\n' for lynx
 sub thread_html {
@@ -179,63 +174,62 @@ sub walk_thread {
+sub pre_thread  {
+       my ($state, $level, $node) = @_;
+       my $parent = $node->parent;
+       if ($parent) {
+               my $mid = $parent->messageid;
+               my $m = $state->{mapping};
+               $m->{$mid} ||= 0;
+               $m->{$mid}++;
+       }
+       skel_dump($state, $level, $node);
 # only private functions below.
 sub emit_thread_html {
        my ($res, $ctx, $foot, $srch) = @_;
        my $mid = $ctx->{mid};
-       my $flat = $ctx->{flat};
-       my $msgs = load_results($srch->get_thread($mid, { asc => $flat }));
-       my $nr = scalar @$msgs;
+       my $sres = $srch->get_thread($mid, { asc => 1 });
+       my $msgs = load_results($sres);
+       my $nr = $sres->{total};
        return missing_thread($res, $ctx) if $nr == 0;
-       my $seen = {};
+       my $skel = '';
        my $state = {
-               res => $res,
-               ctx => $ctx,
-               seen => $seen,
-               root_anchor => anchor_for($mid),
                anchor_idx => 0,
+               ctx => $ctx,
                cur_level => 0,
+               dst => \$skel,
+               mapping => {}, # mid -> reply count
+               prev_attr => '',
+               prev_level => 0,
+               res => $res,
+               root_anchor => anchor_for($mid),
+               seen => {},
+               srch => $ctx->{srch},
+               upfx => '../../',
-       require PublicInbox::Git;
-       $ctx->{git} ||= PublicInbox::Git->new($ctx->{git_dir});
-       if ($flat) {
-               pre_anchor_entry($seen, $_) for (@$msgs);
-               __thread_entry($state, $_, 0) for (@$msgs);
-       } else {
-               walk_thread(thread_results($msgs), $state, *thread_entry);
-               if (my $max = $state->{cur_level}) {
-                       $state->{fh}->write(
-                               ('</ul></li>' x ($max - 1)) . '</ul>');
-               }
-       }
+       walk_thread(thread_results($msgs), $state, *pre_thread);
+       thread_entry($state, $_, 0) for @$msgs;
        # there could be a race due to a message being deleted in git
        # but still being in the Xapian index:
        my $fh = delete $state->{fh} or return missing_thread($res, $ctx);
-       my $final_anchor = $state->{anchor_idx};
-       my $next = "<a\nid=s$final_anchor>";
-       $next .= $final_anchor == 1 ? 'only message in' : 'end of';
-       $next .= " thread</a>, back to <a\nhref=\"../../\">index</a>";
-       $next .= "\ndownload thread: ";
+       my $next = @$msgs == 1 ? 'only message in thread' : 'end of thread';
+       $next .= ", back to <a\nhref=\"../../\">index</a>";
+       $next .= "\n<a\nid=t>$nr+ messages in thread:</a> (download: ";
        $next .= "<a\nhref=\"../t.mbox.gz\">mbox.gz</a>";
-       $next .= " / follow: <a\nhref=\"../t.atom\">Atom feed</a>";
+       $next .= " / follow: <a\nhref=\"../t.atom\">Atom feed</a>)\n";
+       $next .= $skel;
        $fh->write('<hr /><pre>' . $next . "\n\n".
                        $foot .  '</pre></body></html>');
-sub index_walk {
-       my ($fh, $upfx, $p) = @_;
-       my $s = add_text_body($upfx, $p);
-       return if $s eq '';
-       $fh->write($s);
 sub multipart_text_as_html {
        my ($mime, $upfx) = @_;
        my $rv = "";
@@ -542,11 +536,7 @@ sub linkify_ref_nosrch {
 sub anchor_for {
        my ($msgid) = @_;
-       my $id = $msgid;
-       if ($id !~ /\A[a-f0-9]{40}\z/) {
-               $id = id_compress(mid_clean($id), 1);
-       }
-       'm' . $id;
+       'm' . id_compress($msgid, 1);
 sub thread_html_head {
@@ -563,12 +553,6 @@ sub thread_html_head {
-sub pre_anchor_entry {
-       my ($seen, $mime) = @_;
-       my $id = anchor_for(mid_mime($mime));
-       $seen->{$id} = "#$id"; # save the anchor for children, later
 sub ghost_parent {
        my ($upfx, $mid) = @_;
        # 'subject dummy' is used internally by Mail::Thread
@@ -580,39 +564,7 @@ sub ghost_parent {
        qq{[parent not found: &lt;<a\nhref="$upfx$href/">$html</a>&gt;]};
-sub thread_adj_level {
-       my ($state, $level) = @_;
-       my $max = $state->{cur_level};
-       if ($level <= 0) {
-               return '' if $max == 0; # flat output
-               # reset existing lists
-               my $x = $max > 1 ? ('</ul></li>' x ($max - 1)) : '';
-               $state->{fh}->write($x . '</ul>');
-               $state->{cur_level} = 0;
-               return '';
-       }
-       if ($level == $max) { # continue existing list
-               $state->{fh}->write('<li>');
-       } elsif ($level < $max) {
-               my $x = $max > 1 ? ('</ul></li>' x ($max - $level)) : '';
-               $state->{fh}->write($x .= '<li>');
-               $state->{cur_level} = $level;
-       } else { # ($level > $max) # start a new level
-               $state->{cur_level} = $level;
-               $state->{fh}->write(($max ? '<li>' : '') . '<ul><li>');
-       }
-       '</li>';
-sub ghost_flush {
-       my ($state, $upfx, $mid, $level) = @_;
-       my $end = '<pre>'. ghost_parent($upfx, $mid) . '</pre>';
-       $state->{fh}->write($end .= thread_adj_level($state, $level));
-sub __thread_entry {
+sub thread_entry {
        my ($state, $mime, $level) = @_;
        # lazy load the full message from mini_mime:
@@ -623,16 +575,7 @@ sub __thread_entry {
        $mime = Email::MIME->new($mime);
        thread_html_head($mime, $state) if $state->{anchor_idx} == 0;
-       if (my $ghost = delete $state->{ghost}) {
-               # n.b. ghost messages may only be parents, not children
-               foreach my $g (@$ghost) {
-                       ghost_flush($state, '../../', @$g);
-               }
-       }
-       my $end = thread_adj_level($state, $level);
        index_entry($mime, $level, $state);
-       $state->{fh}->write($end) if $end;
@@ -641,23 +584,6 @@ sub indent_for {
        INDENT x ($level - 1);
-sub __ghost_prepare {
-       my ($state, $node, $level) = @_;
-       my $ghost = $state->{ghost} ||= [];
-       push @$ghost, [ $node->messageid, $level ];
-sub thread_entry {
-       my ($state, $level, $node) = @_;
-       if (my $mime = $node->message) {
-               unless (__thread_entry($state, $mime, $level)) {
-                       __ghost_prepare($state, $node, $level);
-               }
-       } else {
-               __ghost_prepare($state, $node, $level);
-       }
 sub load_results {
        my ($sres) = @_;
@@ -738,30 +664,44 @@ sub _skel_header {
                $s = $s->as_html;
        my $m = PublicInbox::Hval->new_msgid($mid);
-       $m = $state->{upfx} . $m->as_href . '/';
-       $$dst .= "$pfx<a\nhref=\"$m\">";
+       my $id = '';
+       if ($state->{mapping}) {
+               $id = id_compress($mid, 1);
+               $m = '#m'.$id;
+               $id = "\nid=r".$id;
+       } else {
+               $m = $state->{upfx}.$m->as_href.'/';
+       }
+       $$dst .= "$pfx<a\nhref=\"$m\"$id>";
        $$dst .= defined($s) ? "$s</a> $f\n" : "$f</a>\n";
 sub skel_dump {
        my ($state, $level, $node) = @_;
        if (my $mime = $node->message) {
-               my $hdr = $mime->header_obj;
-               my $mid = mid_clean($hdr->header_raw('Message-ID'));
-               _skel_header($state, $hdr, $level);
+               _skel_header($state, $mime->header_obj, $level);
        } else {
                my $mid = $node->messageid;
                my $dst = $state->{dst};
                if ($mid eq 'subject dummy') {
                        $$dst .= "\t[no common parent]\n";
+                       return;
+               }
+               if ($state->{pct}) { # search result
+                       $$dst .= '    [irrelevant] ';
                } else {
                        $$dst .= '     [not found] ';
-                       $$dst .= indent_for($level) . th_pfx($level);
-                       $mid = PublicInbox::Hval->new_msgid($mid);
-                       my $href = $state->{upfx} . $mid->as_href . '/';
-                       my $html = $mid->as_html;
-                       $$dst .= qq{&lt;<a\nhref="$href">$html</a>&gt;\n};
+               $$dst .= indent_for($level) . th_pfx($level);
+               my $upfx = $state->{upfx};
+               my $id = '';
+               if ($state->{mapping}) { # thread index view
+                       $id = "\nid=".anchor_for($mid);
+               }
+               $mid = PublicInbox::Hval->new_msgid($mid);
+               my $href = $upfx . $mid->as_href . '/';
+               my $html = $mid->as_html;
+               $$dst .= qq{&lt;<a\nhref="$href"$id>$html</a>&gt;\n};
diff --git a/lib/PublicInbox/ b/lib/PublicInbox/
index d6b07bf..984268e 100644
--- a/lib/PublicInbox/
+++ b/lib/PublicInbox/
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ require PublicInbox::Git;
 use PublicInbox::GitHTTPBackend;
 our $INBOX_RE = qr!\A/([\w\.\-]+)!;
 our $MID_RE = qr!([^/]+)!;
-our $END_RE = qr!(T/|t/|t\.mbox(?:\.gz)?|t\.atom|raw|)!;
+our $END_RE = qr!(t/|t\.mbox(?:\.gz)?|t\.atom|raw|)!;
 our $ATTACH_RE = qr!(\d[\.\d]*)-([[:alnum:]][\w\.-]+[[:alnum:]])!i;
 sub new {
@@ -91,10 +91,9 @@ sub call {
                invalid_inbox_mid($self, $ctx, $1, $2) ||
                        get_attach($ctx, $idx, $fn);
        # in case people leave off the trailing slash:
-       } elsif ($path_info =~ m!$INBOX_RE/$MID_RE/(T|t)\z!o) {
-               my ($inbox, $mid, $suffix) = ($1, $2, $3);
-               $suffix .= $suffix =~ /\A[tT]\z/ ? '/#u' : '/';
-               r301($ctx, $inbox, $mid, $suffix);
+       } elsif ($path_info =~ m!$INBOX_RE/$MID_RE/(?:T|T/|t)\z!o) {
+               my ($inbox, $mid) = ($1, $2);
+               r301($ctx, $inbox, $mid, 't/#u');
        } elsif ($path_info =~ m!$INBOX_RE/$MID_RE/R/?\z!o) {
                my ($inbox, $mid) = ($1, $2);
diff --git a/t/plack.t b/t/plack.t
index a4f3245..209c6f9 100644
--- a/t/plack.t
+++ b/t/plack.t
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ EOF
                        my $res = $cb->(GET($u));
                        is(301, $res->code, "redirect for missing /");
                        my $location = $res->header('Location');
-                       like($location, qr!/\Q$t\E/#u\z!,
+                       like($location, qr!/t/#u\z!,
                                'redirected with missing /');


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