On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 03:15:24AM +0000, Eric Wong wrote:
- public-inbox-httpd and public-inbox-nntpd are running via systemd
 on sane ports (119 and 80/8080)
- /var/lib/public-inbox is the location for mainrepos
- /var/run/public-inbox is the location for PERL_INLINE_DIRECTORY
- /var/log/public-inbox is the location for logs
- mail delivery is done via postfix-pipe (if you're using
 public-inbox-watch, you shouldn't need to worry about this)

So nothing is needed for public-inbox-watch at all?

I'd considered writing something for it, but decided to limit myself to
what I can actually cover via personal experience. In addition, my
assumption is that people who are most likely to be running
public-inbox-watch are not going to be running it as a system-level
daemon (since in that case they are more likely to set up
public-inbox-mda), but as a regular user inside screen -- and therefore
wouldn't benefit from SELinux anyway.

The priority was to cover network-listening daemons, since they are the
most exposed and running them unconfined should be avoided on an SELinux

--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/selinux/el7/publicinbox.fc
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+/usr/(local/)?bin/public-inbox-httpd    -- 
+/usr/(local/)?bin/public-inbox-nntpd    -- 
+/usr/(local/)?bin/public-inbox-mda      -- 

Is it possible to use "\" or similar to wrap long lines?

(same comments applies to the .te file; I need to use a gigantic font)

I know what you mean, but I'm trying to stick with the upstream policy
style, which doesn't use such approach (e.g. see
Theoretically, m4 supports doing that, but if the ultimate goal is to
include it into the upstream policy, then I feel we should stick to the
formatting style used there.

+policy_module(publicinbox, 1.0.0)

Is that 1.0.0 tied to public-inbox versions itself or
independent of public-inbox versioning?

Fully independent.

+# Run on http/httpcache and innd ports


Innd is the nntp daemon, and the 119/tcp port is labeled as innd_port_t,
so just sticking with that nomenclature here.

I'll send a second patch iteration in the near future, as I've missed a
thing or two in the current one.


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