Eric Wong <> wrote:
> Maybe you have bigger messages outside of LKML.
> This prints all objects >1MB in a git dir:
>       git cat-file --buffer --batch-check --batch-all-objects \
>               --unordered | awk '$3 > 1048576 { print }'
> And I also remember you're supporting non-vger lists where HTML
> mail is allowed, so that can't be good for memory use at all :<

Btw, have you had a chance to run the above to scan your repos?

The 19GB RSS would interact poorly with more frequent fork+exec;
such as the change to do unconditional expiry of long-lived
cat-file --batch* processes:

If you run Inline::C + PERL_INLINE_DIRECTORY to use vfork
instead of fork, then RSS won't affect process spawning

But yeah, 19GB RSS still sucks and I'd like to get to the bottom
of it.

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