
One of the services I think would be interesting to provide is ability for
people to subscribe to "curated saved searches". For example, a kernel
subsystem maintainer can define a set of query parameters (a thread mentions
these files/functions/terms, etc), and allow others to follow this saved
search either by defining it as a remote source for their own lei command, or
by subscribing to it as they would to any regular mailing list.

The latter is specifically something I think would be of interest to kernel
folks, so I envision that we'd have something like the following:

- a maintainer publishes a configuration file we can pass to lei
- our backend lei process uses all of lore.kernel.org sources to create and
  continuously update a new public-inbox repository with matching search
- we set up a mlmmj list that doesn't receive any direct mail but is only fed
  from saved search results; people can subscribe/unsubscribe as they would
  with any other mlmmj list

Any particular reason this wouldn't work?


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