Eric Wong writes:

> In case users see "lei-daemon" in ps(1) or syslog and wonder.

Thanks, this is very helpful/informative.

> diff --git a/Documentation/lei-daemon.pod b/Documentation/lei-daemon.pod
> +
> +SOCK_SEQPACKET sockets are used for both communicating with
> +L<lei(1)> and to internal workers.  SOCK_SEQPACKET is guarantee
> +reliability (unlike SOCK_DGRAM), allows easy load distribution,

s/is guarantee/guarantees/ ?

> +and saves developers the trouble of maintaining stream parsers.
> +
> +=head2 File monitoring

Obviously unimportant, but this casing is inconsistent with some of the
titles above (e.g., "file descriptor passing").

> +Inotify or EVFILT_VNODE is used depending on the platform
> +to monitor Maildirs of changes and track keyword changes.

s/of changes/for changes/ ?

> +The listen socket at (default: C<$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/lei/5.seq.sock>)

I stumbled parsing this because target of "at" is parenthesized.  At
least in my head, it'd read fine dropping the "at".

> +is also monitored, and the daemon will automatically shutdown
> +if it is unlinked.

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