Louis DeLosSantos <louis.de...@gmail.com> wrote:


> Above is 54 open sockets. Which seems fine.

Actually, only 18 (0..17).  The `mem' stuff is mmap-ed and
doesn't count against `ulimit -n` (RLIMIT_NOFILE).

> Should daemon be running as root, if I intend to only use lei as user?

Definitely not; the lei-daemon is per-user.

I also forgot, inotify has its own per-user limits; perhaps
you're hitting those?

# show system-wide limits
$ head /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_*

# show per-user inotify FDs (-nP speeds up lsof by avoiding lookups)
$ lsof -nP -u $USER |grep inotify

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