While forked processes inherit from the parent, exec-ed
processes need the `-w' flag passed to them.  To determine
whether or not we should pass them, we must check the `$^W'
global perlvar, first.

We'll also favor `perl -e' over `perl -E' in places where
we don't rely on the latest features, since `-E' incurs
slightly more startup time overhead from loading feature.pm
(while `perl -Mv5.12' does not).
 lib/PublicInbox/Gcf2Client.pm |  3 ++-
 lib/PublicInbox/LeiRediff.pm  |  4 ++--
 script/lei                    |  4 ++--
 t/edit.t                      | 29 +++++++++++++++--------------
 t/extsearch.t                 |  2 +-
 t/lei-q-save.t                |  4 ++--
 t/mbox_reader.t               |  6 +++---
 t/spawn.t                     |  4 ++--
 8 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/PublicInbox/Gcf2Client.pm b/lib/PublicInbox/Gcf2Client.pm
index 8e313c84..4a0348b4 100644
--- a/lib/PublicInbox/Gcf2Client.pm
+++ b/lib/PublicInbox/Gcf2Client.pm
@@ -30,7 +30,8 @@ sub new  {
        socketpair(my $s1, my $s2, AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
        $opt->{0} = $opt->{1} = $s2;
-       my $cmd = [$^X, qw[-MPublicInbox::Gcf2 -e PublicInbox::Gcf2::loop]];
+       my $cmd = [$^X, $^W ? ('-w') : (),
+                       qw[-MPublicInbox::Gcf2 -e PublicInbox::Gcf2::loop]];
        my $pid = spawn($cmd, $env, $opt);
        my $sock = PublicInbox::ProcessPipe->maybe_new($pid, $s1);
        $self->{inflight} = [];
diff --git a/lib/PublicInbox/LeiRediff.pm b/lib/PublicInbox/LeiRediff.pm
index 6cc6131b..a886931c 100644
--- a/lib/PublicInbox/LeiRediff.pm
+++ b/lib/PublicInbox/LeiRediff.pm
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ EOM
 sub wait_requote { # OnDestroy callback
        my ($lei, $pid, $old_1) = @_;
-       $lei->{1} = $old_1; # closes stdin of `perl -pE 's/^/> /'`
+       $lei->{1} = $old_1; # closes stdin of `perl -pe 's/^/> /'`
        waitpid($pid, 0) == $pid or die "BUG(?) waitpid: \$!=$! \$?=$?";
        $lei->child_error($?) if $?;
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ sub requote ($$) {
        my $old_1 = $lei->{1};
        my $opt = { 1 => $old_1, 2 => $lei->{2} };
        # $^X (perl) is overkill, but maybe there's a weird system w/o sed
-       my ($w, $pid) = popen_wr([$^X, '-pE', "s/^/$pfx/"], $lei->{env}, $opt);
+       my ($w, $pid) = popen_wr([$^X, '-pe', "s/^/$pfx/"], $lei->{env}, $opt);
        binmode $w, ':utf8'; # incompatible with ProcessPipe due to syswrite
        $lei->{1} = $w;
diff --git a/script/lei b/script/lei
index a77ea880..1d90be0a 100755
--- a/script/lei
+++ b/script/lei
@@ -92,8 +92,8 @@ my $addr = pack_sockaddr_un($path);
 socket($sock, AF_UNIX, SOCK_SEQPACKET, 0) or die "socket: $!";
 unless (connect($sock, $addr)) { # start the daemon if not started
        local $ENV{PERL5LIB} = join(':', @INC);
-       open(my $daemon, '-|', $^X, qw[-MPublicInbox::LEI
-               -E PublicInbox::LEI::lazy_start(@ARGV)],
+       open(my $daemon, '-|', $^X, $^W ? ('-w') : (),
+               qw[-MPublicInbox::LEI -e PublicInbox::LEI::lazy_start(@ARGV)],
                $path, $! + 0, $narg) or die "popen: $!";
        while (<$daemon>) { warn $_ } # EOF when STDERR is redirected
        close($daemon) or warn <<"";
diff --git a/t/edit.t b/t/edit.t
index e6e0f9cf..1621df3b 100644
--- a/t/edit.t
+++ b/t/edit.t
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 #!perl -w
-# Copyright (C) 2019-2021 all contributors <meta@public-inbox.org>
+# Copyright (C) all contributors <meta@public-inbox.org>
 # License: AGPL-3.0+ <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.txt>
 # edit frontend behavior test (t/replace.t for backend)
 use strict;
@@ -24,10 +24,11 @@ local $ENV{PI_CONFIG} = $cfgfile;
 my ($in, $out, $err, $cmd, $cur, $t);
 my $git = PublicInbox::Git->new("$ibx->{inboxdir}/git/0.git");
 my $opt = { 0 => \$in, 1 => \$out, 2 => \$err };
+my $ipe = "$^X -w -i -p -e";
 $t = '-F FILE'; {
        $in = $out = $err = '';
-       local $ENV{MAIL_EDITOR} = "$^X -i -p -e 's/boolean prefix/bool pfx/'";
+       local $ENV{MAIL_EDITOR} = "$ipe 's/boolean prefix/bool pfx/'";
        $cmd = [ '-edit', "-F$file", $inboxdir ];
        ok(run_script($cmd, undef, $opt), "$t edit OK");
        $cur = PublicInbox::Eml->new($ibx->msg_by_mid($mid));
@@ -37,7 +38,7 @@ $t = '-F FILE'; {
 $t = '-m MESSAGE_ID'; {
        $in = $out = $err = '';
-       local $ENV{MAIL_EDITOR} = "$^X -i -p -e 's/bool pfx/boolean prefix/'";
+       local $ENV{MAIL_EDITOR} = "$ipe 's/bool pfx/boolean prefix/'";
        $cmd = [ '-edit', "-m$mid", $inboxdir ];
        ok(run_script($cmd, undef, $opt), "$t edit OK");
        $cur = PublicInbox::Eml->new($ibx->msg_by_mid($mid));
@@ -48,7 +49,7 @@ $t = '-m MESSAGE_ID'; {
 $t = 'no-op -m MESSAGE_ID'; {
        $in = $out = $err = '';
        my $before = $git->qx(qw(rev-parse HEAD));
-       local $ENV{MAIL_EDITOR} = "$^X -i -p -e 's/bool pfx/boolean prefix/'";
+       local $ENV{MAIL_EDITOR} = "$ipe 's/bool pfx/boolean prefix/'";
        $cmd = [ '-edit', "-m$mid", $inboxdir ];
        ok(run_script($cmd, undef, $opt), "$t succeeds");
        my $prev = $cur;
@@ -64,7 +65,7 @@ $t = 'no-op -m MESSAGE_ID'; {
 $t = 'no-op -m MESSAGE_ID w/Status: header'; { # because mutt does it
        $in = $out = $err = '';
        my $before = $git->qx(qw(rev-parse HEAD));
-       local $ENV{MAIL_EDITOR} = "$^X -i -p -e 's/^Subject:.*/Status: 
+       local $ENV{MAIL_EDITOR} = "$ipe 's/^Subject:.*/Status: RO\\n\$&/'";
        $cmd = [ '-edit', "-m$mid", $inboxdir ];
        ok(run_script($cmd, undef, $opt), "$t succeeds");
        my $prev = $cur;
@@ -80,7 +81,7 @@ $t = 'no-op -m MESSAGE_ID w/Status: header'; { # because mutt 
does it
 $t = '-m MESSAGE_ID can change Received: headers'; {
        $in = $out = $err = '';
-       local $ENV{MAIL_EDITOR} = "$^X -i -p -e 's/^Subject:.*/Received: 
+       local $ENV{MAIL_EDITOR} = "$ipe 's/^Subject:.*/Received: x\\n\$&/'";
        $cmd = [ '-edit', "-m$mid", $inboxdir ];
        ok(run_script($cmd, undef, $opt), "$t succeeds");
        $cur = PublicInbox::Eml->new($ibx->msg_by_mid($mid));
@@ -91,7 +92,7 @@ $t = '-m MESSAGE_ID can change Received: headers'; {
 $t = '-m miss'; {
        $in = $out = $err = '';
-       local $ENV{MAIL_EDITOR} = "$^X -i -p -e 's/boolean/FAIL/'";
+       local $ENV{MAIL_EDITOR} = "$ipe 's/boolean/FAIL/'";
        $cmd = [ '-edit', "-m$mid-miss", $inboxdir ];
        ok(!run_script($cmd, undef, $opt), "$t fails on invalid MID");
        like($err, qr/No message found/, "$t shows error");
@@ -99,7 +100,7 @@ $t = '-m miss'; {
 $t = 'non-interactive editor failure'; {
        $in = $out = $err = '';
-       local $ENV{MAIL_EDITOR} = "$^X -i -p -e 'END { exit 1 }'";
+       local $ENV{MAIL_EDITOR} = "$ipe 'END { exit 1 }'";
        $cmd = [ '-edit', "-m$mid", $inboxdir ];
        ok(!run_script($cmd, undef, $opt), "$t detected");
        like($err, qr/END \{ exit 1 \}' failed:/, "$t shows error");
@@ -109,7 +110,7 @@ $t = 'mailEditor set in config'; {
        $in = $out = $err = '';
        my $rc = xsys(qw(git config), "--file=$cfgfile",
-                       "$^X -i -p -e 's/boolean prefix/bool pfx/'");
+                       "$ipe 's/boolean prefix/bool pfx/'");
        is($rc, 0, 'set publicinbox.mailEditor');
        local $ENV{MAIL_EDITOR};
        delete $ENV{MAIL_EDITOR};
@@ -123,20 +124,20 @@ $t = 'mailEditor set in config'; {
 $t = '--raw and mbox escaping'; {
        $in = $out = $err = '';
-       local $ENV{MAIL_EDITOR} = "$^X -i -p -e 's/^\$/\\nFrom not mbox\\n/'";
+       local $ENV{MAIL_EDITOR} = "$ipe 's/^\$/\\nFrom not mbox\\n/'";
        $cmd = [ '-edit', "-m$mid", '--raw', $inboxdir ];
        ok(run_script($cmd, undef, $opt), "$t succeeds");
        $cur = PublicInbox::Eml->new($ibx->msg_by_mid($mid));
        like($cur->body, qr/^From not mbox/sm, 'put "From " line into body');
-       local $ENV{MAIL_EDITOR} = "$^X -i -p -e 's/^>From not/\$& an/'";
+       local $ENV{MAIL_EDITOR} = "$ipe 's/^>From not/\$& an/'";
        $cmd = [ '-edit', "-m$mid", $inboxdir ];
        ok(run_script($cmd, undef, $opt), "$t succeeds with mbox escaping");
        $cur = PublicInbox::Eml->new($ibx->msg_by_mid($mid));
        like($cur->body, qr/^From not an mbox/sm,
                'changed "From " line unescaped');
-       local $ENV{MAIL_EDITOR} = "$^X -i -p -e 's/^From not an mbox\\n//s'";
+       local $ENV{MAIL_EDITOR} = "$ipe 's/^From not an mbox\\n//s'";
        $cmd = [ '-edit', "-m$mid", '--raw', $inboxdir ];
        ok(run_script($cmd, undef, $opt), "$t succeeds again");
        $cur = PublicInbox::Eml->new($ibx->msg_by_mid($mid));
@@ -154,7 +155,7 @@ $t = 'reuse Message-ID'; {
 $t = 'edit ambiguous Message-ID with -m'; {
        $in = $out = $err = '';
-       local $ENV{MAIL_EDITOR} = "$^X -i -p -e 's/bool pfx/boolean prefix/'";
+       local $ENV{MAIL_EDITOR} = "$ipe 's/bool pfx/boolean prefix/'";
        $cmd = [ '-edit', "-m$mid", $inboxdir ];
        ok(!run_script($cmd, undef, $opt), "$t fails w/o --force");
        like($err, qr/Multiple messages with different content found matching/,
@@ -164,7 +165,7 @@ $t = 'edit ambiguous Message-ID with -m'; {
 $t .= ' and --force'; {
        $in = $out = $err = '';
-       local $ENV{MAIL_EDITOR} = "$^X -i -p -e 's/^Subject:.*/Subject:x/i'";
+       local $ENV{MAIL_EDITOR} = "$ipe 's/^Subject:.*/Subject:x/i'";
        $cmd = [ '-edit', "-m$mid", '--force', $inboxdir ];
        ok(run_script($cmd, undef, $opt), "$t succeeds");
        like($err, qr/Will edit all of them/, "$t notes all will be edited");
diff --git a/t/extsearch.t b/t/extsearch.t
index 19eaf3b5..2995cf95 100644
--- a/t/extsearch.t
+++ b/t/extsearch.t
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ if ('inbox edited') {
        my ($in, $out, $err);
        $in = $out = $err = '';
        my $opt = { 0 => \$in, 1 => \$out, 2 => \$err };
-       my $env = { MAIL_EDITOR => "$^X -i -p -e 's/test message/BEST MSG/'" };
+       my $env = { MAIL_EDITOR => "$^X -w -i -p -e 's/test message/BEST MSG/'" 
        my $cmd = [ qw(-edit -Ft/utf8.eml), "$home/v2test" ];
        ok(run_script($cmd, $env, $opt), '-edit');
        ok(run_script([qw(-extindex --all), "$home/extindex"], undef, $opt),
diff --git a/t/lei-q-save.t b/t/lei-q-save.t
index d09c8397..1d9d5a51 100644
--- a/t/lei-q-save.t
+++ b/t/lei-q-save.t
@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ test_lei(sub {
        my @lss = glob("$home/" .
        my $out = xqx([qw(git config -f), $lss[0], 'lei.q.output']);
-       xsys($^X, qw(-i -p -e), "s/\\[/\\0/", $lss[0])
+       xsys($^X, qw(-w -i -p -e), "s/\\[/\\0/", $lss[0])
                and xbail "-ipe $lss[0]: $?";
        lei_ok qw(ls-search);
        like($lei_err, qr/bad config line.*?\Q$lss[0]\E/,
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ test_lei(sub {
        lei_ok qw(up --all), \'up works with bad config';
        like($lei_err, qr/bad config line.*?\Q$lss[0]\E/,
                'git config parse error shown w/ lei up');
-       xsys($^X, qw(-i -p -e), "s/\\0/\\[/", $lss[0])
+       xsys($^X, qw(-w -i -p -e), "s/\\0/\\[/", $lss[0])
                and xbail "-ipe $lss[0]: $?";
        lei_ok qw(ls-search);
        is($lei_err, '', 'no errors w/ fixed config');
diff --git a/t/mbox_reader.t b/t/mbox_reader.t
index 87e8f397..14248a2d 100644
--- a/t/mbox_reader.t
+++ b/t/mbox_reader.t
@@ -113,10 +113,10 @@ EOM
 SKIP: {
        use PublicInbox::Spawn qw(popen_rd);
-       my $fh = popen_rd([ $^X, '-E', <<'' ]);
-say "From x@y Fri Oct  2 00:00:00 1993";
+       my $fh = popen_rd([ $^X, qw(-w -Mv5.12 -e), <<'' ]);
+say 'From x@y Fri Oct  2 00:00:00 1993';
 print "a: b\n\n", "x" x 70000, "\n\n";
-say "From x@y Fri Oct  2 00:00:00 2010";
+say 'From x@y Fri Oct  2 00:00:00 2010';
 print "Final: bit\n\n", "Incomplete\n\n";
 exit 1
diff --git a/t/spawn.t b/t/spawn.t
index 9ed3be36..04589437 100644
--- a/t/spawn.t
+++ b/t/spawn.t
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ elsif ($pid > 0) {
        my $oldset = PublicInbox::DS::block_signals();
-       my $rd = popen_rd([$^X, '-e', $script]);
+       my $rd = popen_rd([$^X, qw(-w -e), $script]);
        diag 'waiting for child to reap grandchild...';
        chomp(my $line = readline($rd));
        my ($rdy, $pid) = split(/ /, $line);
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ SKIP: {
                require BSD::Resource;
        } or skip 'BSD::Resource::RLIMIT_CPU missing', 3;
-       my $cmd = [ $^X, ($^W ? ('-w') : ()), '-e', <<'EOM' ];
+       my $cmd = [ $^X, qw(-w -e), <<'EOM' ];
 use POSIX qw(:signal_h);
 use BSD::Resource qw(times);
 use Time::HiRes qw(time); # gettimeofday

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