Eric Wong <> wrote:
>   net_reader: support imap.sslVerify + nntp.sslVerify

It still feels awkward to name options with "SSL" in them since
"Secure Sockets Layer" is long deprecated (in favor of "TLS",
"Transport Layer Security").

But git already has imap.sslVerify, so it's not something I want
to deviate from...  git also has a lot of http.ssl* config
options, too, which we might benefit from having NNTP/IMAP
counterparts of...

OpenSSL, IO::Socket::SSL and Net::SSLeay are still called what
they are; and AFAIK nobody's worked on GnuTLS bindings for Perl,

So I guess we'll probably end up with a bunch of imap.ssl* and
nntp.ssl* options to set ciphers, certs, keys and whatnot...
Of course I don't trust myself to handle anything involving
SSL/TLS properly :<

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