I have been trying to pass a variable which contains an array with no 

One button has a handler like this

on mouseUp
  put empty into fld "thekeys"
  put fld "thelist" into xx    -- a 100-line field, 2 items per line
  repeat with i = 1 to the number of lines of xx
    repeat with j = 1 to the number of items of line i of xx
      put item j of line i of xx into tl[i,j]
    end repeat
  end repeat
  put keys(tl) into fld "thekeys"
  call "getvar" && tl of fld "getit"
end mouseUp

The keys() function correctly identifies the parts of the array that are

The call function in the above handler reaches this one (I put the beep in
to be sure).

on getvar x
  answer keys(x)
end getvar

But x is read as empty. So, why can't I pass associative arrays? I notice I
can't pass fields either.

One of the great strengths of Hypercard is its ability to pass fields and
complex variables. Of course, it doesn't have the ability to do "call"
statements or even create arrays. Ah, for the best of both ...


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