How to know by script the name of the card displayed by an opened stack ?
Is there a shorter way than

function currentCard(aStack)
  if offset(return & aStack & return,return & the openstacks() & return) > 0
    put the name of this stack into backStack
    set the defaultStack to aStack
    put the short name of this card into curCard
    set the defaultStack to backStack
    put "" into curcard
  end if
  return curCard
end currentCard


When several stack are topLevel with mode=1 or mode=2, how to know by script
wich one is in front ?
I believed it was the topStack(), but a topStack() in mode 1 (editable) can be
behind a stack in mode 2 (non editable).


I have found in the reference the function openStacks(). Is there some
information to get from the order of the stacks in this list ?


How to bring a toplevel stack in the front ?


How to send a toplevel stack to the back ?


Generally speaking, how to get and set the layer of stack ?


Enough headaches for this night ...


Claude Lemmel / Opus species
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