It would seem more efficient to make a copy of mc.exe (called, say, mc.bup)
as a separate file, and then use:
  put url "binfile:mc.bup" into url "binfile:c:/metacard player/mc.exe"
in the installer.  As the file mc.exe is needed to run the installer, this
adds no overhead.

That way, 
Regarding Micro$loth: "Neither shall the Evil Empire dwell with thee" (Job)

John R. Vokey, Chair, Dept. of Psychology Neuroscience, University of

> Date: Wed, 3 Nov 1999 11:47:00 -0800 (PST)
> Subject: Digest metacard.v003.n126
>> Could you put a compressed version of mc.exe into a custom property
>> of your stack? Then install it with something like:
>> put decompress(the cpPlayerFile of this stack) into url
>> "binfile:C:/dir/MetaCard Player2"
>> It will add to the size of the installer, but only 700K or so.
>> Apologies if I'm off track here. I missed the beginning of the thread.
>> Cheers
>> Dave Cragg
> Brilliant, what an excellent solution - it adds about 600k to my
> '', which is no great problem.
> Thanks very much for this solution, the simple installer works really
> well.  I'll tidy it up a bit and make it a bit more generic and then
> offer it to this list - what's the best way to do this?

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