> I'm trying to create a CGI with MetaCard but keep finding that the
> AppleEvent message isn't reaching the stack properly.  When I have the
> appleEvent script containing a simple answer statement, it happily brings up
> the dialog the first time but subsequent attempts fail to display a dialog.
> If I add a "reply" command after the answer command, the appleEvent never
> gets caught (no dialog appears).

Maybe you should post your sample script here.
What I have on my stack script looks something as such. It handles events
from WebSTAR server.

on appleEvent class, eventID, sender --v1.1 98/08/02
  # handle only WebSTAR events
  if class & eventID <> "WWW‡sdoc" then pass appleEvent

  put 0 into errnum
    # call other functions here
    reply "got it!"
  catch errnum
    reply "error on performing request: "& errnum
  end try
end appleEvent

LiangTyan Fui

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