>Here are some notes from my recent work with Metacard.
>I've using MC 2.3 on Mac OS9.
> Script editor
>- The cmd+w keyboard command doesn't close a script window, but it does
>delete some script data in the window.
>- undo (cmd+z) does not undo a paste operation (possibly doesn't work with
>some other operations as well).
>- is there any documentation for "launch external editor" (how does this
>work on the Mac? Would this allow me to use an external editor like BBEdit
>if I would like to?)
>- Is there a keyboard command to close a script window without saving
>changes (without invoking any dialogs)?
>- I'd be curious to know why selecting "Find" from the menu bar opens a
>find dialog box, while selecting cmd+f invokes an inline find in the menu
>bar.  Is there full documentation on how the latter works (eg how do I
>"Find again" when using the latter method of finding?)
>- When I open script editor for an object with no script, an empty handler
>is inserted (when I didn't ask for it),
>- Why am I asked to save changes for scripts when I haven't made any?
>- I think that inadequate warning is given that ungrouping will delete
>shared data on other cards.  This caught me out.  The current dialog
>wording is ambiguous.  [I've just tested this out in the latest version
>and NO warning is given when ungrouping a group containing a field with
>different text on multiple (2) cards.  This must be a bug?]
>In the group editor, groups are arranged in card and stack categories, yet
>referring to a group as cd grp causes a script error.  (I think I
>understand why this is, but is there any way we could make the dialog less
>ambiguious in meaning).  Perhaps referring to a cd grp should be allowed?
>List variables:
><list> is empty
>returns true (ie the list is empty) when...
>returns a value (ie the list is not empty)
>What is the correct way to test whether a list variable is empty?
>Custom properties dialog box
>Enter key in Custom properties dialog should close dialog box - shouldn't
>have to click "OK" button.
>Authoring tool palette:
>- What is the keyboard shortcut to toggle between editing modes?
>- Is there any way to save palette configurations (visibility, position)
>to prevent need to reposition palettes each time the application launches?
>Why does dragging and dropping a stack onto Metacard open in the
>non-editing version (no editing tool bars).
> Is this because authoring startup relies on OpenStack being passed to
>init authoring tools?).
>Bug: editing group object scripts
>- edit a group, open script for an object and make some changes, stop
>editing group with script window for the group object still open, attempt
>to save script - error appears.
>Rodney Tamblyn
>HEDC, 33 Union Street, University of Otago, P.O. Box 56, Dunedin, New Zealand
>email     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Phone   64 3 479 7580   Fax  479 5194  ICQ  4145098  PGP available

I'm sorry to hear that using MC was such a traumatic experience for you.
Was there anything at all that worked as expected ;-)
The good news is that there is a [EMAIL PROTECTED] for legitimate bugs, 2.3
is still beta so problems are fixed as they are discovered and the
possibility to customize the hell out of MC environment to make it to your

Regards, Andu

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