
> I've got a "countdown" clock in my app that shows time remaining........

Stick the following into a cd fld script and you're set.

on mouseUp
  global CountTimer
  ask "Count down how many seconds?" with 300
  put the milliseconds+(it*1000)into CountTimer
  set the backcolor of me to red
  send mousedown to me
end mouseup

on mousedown
  global CountTimer
  if CountTimer>the milliseconds then
    set the numberformat to "00."
    put (CountTimer-(the milliseconds))/1000 into temp
    put trunc(temp/60) into mints
    put temp mod 60 into seccs
    put mints&":"&seccs into me
    send mousedown to me in 300 milliseconds
    set the backcolor of me to green
    put  "Reset" into me
  end if
end mousedown

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