Andu, I've started scripting the server by hacking into the code. I'm
developing it on a predominantly Mac based TCP/IP network, though I have a
Linux box sitting next to me (and a manual at last).

I've scripted a kind of data-flow "debugger" into it, to teach the
"students' what I've been learning about how servers, and CGI's work. I've
implemented the CGI function on the MAC by calling scripts on seperate cards
within the stack (one card per CGI).

I've got to the bit about environmental variables and the post method, for
use with forms. I now see that the "CGI" has to read Stdin, but I guess it
is the job of the server to set the environmental variables? Or is this the
job of the system software???

Would it be possible to collaborate on the scripting?

> From: Andu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 12:07:10 -0500
> Subject: RE: More questions about mchttpd server
>> I think I must be doing something fundamentally wrong here.
> You are indeed: only works on UNIX type OSes.
> As I said before the ability of the server to process plain MC scripts is
> in the works.
>> Perhaps if I
>> describe exactly what I've done, someone could point out my error(s) or
>> omission(s). I'm working on NT.
>> 1. On a network drive known as "winntdoc" and mapped to my machine as "N:",
>> I created a directory called "Marni" and within that I created a
>> subdirectory called "cgi-bin".
>> 2. I copied the following files to this directory: mc.exe,,
>>,,,, MChttpd.log, MChttpd.conf,
>> and the .gif files that came with the mchttpd download.
>> 3. I opened MetaCard and then opened
>> 4. I changed the settings in mchttpd to Port=1080 and Root=N:/Marni/cgi-bin,
>> and clicked SET to save the settings.
>> 5. I clicked the START SERVER button.
>> 6. I created a simple web page containing a form with one field and a submit
>> button. The HTML for the form is:
>> <FORM ACTION="http://winntdoc/Data Drive/Marni/cgi-bin/"
>> METHOD="POST" ENCTYPE="application/x-www-form-urlencoded">
>> <INPUT TYPE="Text" NAME="Marni"><INPUT TYPE="Submit" NAME="Submit"
>> VALUE="Submit">
>> </FORM>
>> When I open the web page and enter text in the field and then click Submit,
>> IE tells me "The page cannot be displayed" and the IE title bar says "HTTP
>> 501 Not Implemented."
>> I also tried setting the root to N:/Marni, //winntdoc/Data Drive/Marni and
>> //winntdoc/Data Drive/Marni/cgi-bin (without changing the HTML code at all),
>> but got the same result with each of these.
>> If I change the HTML code to say "file:" instead of "http:", the text of
>> displays in the browser, so I know I've got the right path set in
>> the HTML code.  I figure I must be doing something wrong with the server
>> setup, because my HTML page echoes properly to
>> Any ideas?
>> I'd really appreciate any help that anyone can provide.
>> Thanks,
>> Marni
> Regards, Andu

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