On Fri, 26 Nov 1999, Phil Davis wrote:

> Changing the doubleClickInterval would certainly be the simplest way.
> But...
> The language in the 2.2.5 MC Ref is a little ambiguous, but I think it
> means that we can't change the doubleClickInterval on any platforms
> except the Unixes (though I haven't verified that). See what you think:
> "This property determines the maximum time (in milliseconds) between two
> mouse button clicks that will be considered a double click.  A good
> default is 250 milliseconds.  This property is only used on UNIX/X11
> systems (the system specified value is used on Windows and MacOS
> systems)."

It's actually used on MacOS too, but it is initialized with the
current system setting at startup and you usually shouldn't change it.
It's not used at all on Windows, though you can query it to get the
current system setting if you need that for some reason.  Windows is
the only OS that sends a special double-click event directly to
applications.  The others make the application calculate it

As for how to work around this problem, a common idiom is to put
something like the following into your main stack script:

on mouseDoubleUp
  send "mouseUp" to the target
end mouseDoubleUp

> Phil
> -- 
> Phil Davis
> ------------------

Scott Raney  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.metacard.com
MetaCard: You know, there's an easier way to do that...

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