Scott Raney wrote:
> On Fri, 26 Nov 1999, Marc Greidanus wrote:
> > Hi, I'm running Metacard on a Mac, and I was wondering how to
> > convert, into a CGI application, a stack with all its components
> > already imported.  The #!mc command is just for Unix correct?
> Correct. CGI is done completely differently on the Mac.  I don't know
> of any examples out there, but if you've got a HyperCard example it'll
> work with MetaCard.

Hi Marc, Scott, the List,

Just get my HC based acgi server exemple at <>
and put the card script "on appleEvent" in your Metacard stack. It must
run even if i had no time to test Metacard cgi on MacOS. Pick around in
the scripts to see how the stack use the appleEvents to request and
reply datas from and to the Web deamon (Quid Pro Quo and WebStar have
both fine CGI modules). Ask more if that can help.


Pierre Sahores           CRDP de l'academie de Creteil
Tel.: +33 143247509      20, rue Daniele-Casanova
Fax.: +33 148726072      94170 Le Perreux - France
Web applications servers design, XTalk's, MacOS, Linux

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