At 5:03 PM +0000 29/11/1999, Peter Reid wrote:

>  on gotoLine theLine,theField
>    lock screen
>    if there is a field "Scratch" then delete field "Scratch"
>    clone field theField
>    set the name of field id (word 3 of it) to "Scratch"
>    delete line theLine-2 to -1 of field "Scratch"
>    put the formattedHeight of field "Scratch" into thePosn
>    hide field "Scratch"
>    set the vScroll of field theField to thePosn
>    choose browse tool
>    unlock screen
>  end gotoLine
>Not very clever, but it works!  Any suggestions for something more 
>elegant would be greatly appreciated.

I thought it was pretty clever.

This will also do the trick I think (following a recent "scroll 
property" thread). I don't know about elegant though. :)

on gotoLine theLine,theField
   lock screen
   put 8 into tTidyUp -- experiment with this number
   select line theLine of field theField
   put the top of field theField into tTop
   put the scroll of field theField into tScroll
   put item 2 of the selectedLoc into tSelY
   put tSelY - tTop + tScroll into tNewScroll
   set the scroll of field theField to tNewScroll - tTidyUp
   select empty
   unlock screen
end gotoLine

Dave Cragg
The LACS Centre (Business English Training Resources)

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