>Sorry about the subject line.
>I'm scripting a standalone for a 12 year old student to use at home for
>remedial work on learning letter-sound correspondences, and was looking
>for list advice about:
>1. the safest sound-file format and attribute-combination (Hz,
>8bit/16bit, mono/stereo) for Win or Mac;
>2. how to receive feedback about student performance. The only two
>non-paper scenarios I can envision are:
> [a] saving to floppy. Does MC have a save-file dialog (like MSWord's),
>or will I need to know beforehand the directory letter for the floppy
>drive on my student's home computer?
> [b] e-mail. Assuming the student is on-line while the stack is up, is
>there a one-click way for an MC standalone to send text as e-mail, or am
>I looking at something more complex here? (Note: all I have is an e-mail

Sure, using the newly implemented sockets. The student might have to fill
in the subject and stuff.

>Thank you.
>Nicolas R Cueto
>Takakura JHS/SHS
>Nagoya, Japan

Regrds, Andu

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