>>Some time ago I remember many list members kicking around the
>>idea of having a 3D engine work with MetaCard.
>I guess it's very hard to find a 3D engine which would be usable in
>MetaCard. Anyone know one which would work even in one OS?

Boy, this sure interests me a lot.  However, to actually run it in a 
scripting language would be painfully slow (if you had to do every single 
thing in just the script language) .  Still, if anyone has any ideas, 
many of us would love to hear about it!

>> I ran into an interesting article that pointed me towards the Unreal 3D
>> game company.
>I think the license to use Unreal 3D engine is tens of thousands of US
>dollars, if not hundreds of thousands.

Hmmm... maybe we can pool some money together...   =)

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