At 8:21 AM -0500 9/12/1999, Preston Shea wrote:
>I'm trying to get text to scroll up from the bottom (like movie 
>credits) with a
>set the scroll of fld "credits" to 0
># (scroll of fld "credits" = 1450
>  repeat with n = 1 to 1450
>set the scroll of fld "credits" to n
>end repeat
>The script seems to run fine the first time but then although the 
>field scrolls,
>the text fails to display and the field shows empty. The field uses a balck
>background and a white foreground. What am I doing wrong?

A long shot ...

Try turning off the opaque property of the field. I've had some 
problems with scrolling an opaque field before. However, the result 
was usually a mess as opposed to no text appearing as you describe. 
But it might be worth trying. If you need a colored background, you 
could stick a graphic behind the field.

Dave Cragg

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