_Many_ thanks for this nugget. Into my ScriptersScrapbook!

>on setFileVisibility tPath, TF
># to be able to set hideConsoleWindows back to what it was
>  put hideConsoleWindows into oldHCW
># convert terms from MetaTalk to MSDOS
># (makes the file visible by default)
>  if TF = "false" then
>    put "+H" into TF
>  else
>    put "-H" into TF
>  end if
># prevent the DOS window from showing
>  set hideConsoleWindows to true
># execute the command
>  put "attrib " & TF && tPath into commandString
>  get shell (commandString)
># set the setting back to what it was
>  set hideConsoleWindows to oldHCW
>end setFileVisibility

If anyone else has any useful utilitarian handlers like this that they
would be willing to share, I'll re-issue an updated ScriptersScrapbook for
MetaCard on the XTalk site. Please drop me a line off-list.


Hugh Senior

The Flexible Learning Company
Consultant Programming & Software Solutions
Fax/Voice: +44 (0)1483.27 87 27
Web: www.flexibleLearning.com

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