On 2/8/00 4:34 PM, Scott Rossi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I'm trying to figure out some stack behavior through trial and error and was
>hoping someone might be able to save me some time...
>The goal I'm shooting for is to hide a stack when it is not in the
>foreground and show it when it is made active again.  I've run into several
>recursion problems which appear to be caused by combining suspendStack and
>resumeStack messages with hide and show commands.  Apparently "show"-ing a
>hidden stack or setting the stack's vis to true sends a resumeStack message
>to that stack?  I'm simply trying to change visibility but am having a hard
>time getting around this.
>I may not be explaining this clearly but any insights are appreciated.

If you have only one stack, then I'm stumped. This works (without 
recursion problems):

on suspendStack
  if the vis of this stack then hide this stack
end suspendStack

But this doesn't--the stack never receives the resumeStack message, since 
it's invisible and doesn't receive the focus:

on resumeStack
  if not the vis of this stack then show this stack
end resumeStack

If you just want to hide some palettes when in the background while 
another main stack stays visible, then the above resumeStack script could 
be adapted to work. Otherwise, we have to cast about for solutions.


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