Scott and Hugh,

Thanks very much for your feedback.  Is there a list been started for 
version 2.4? ;-)


> > I have a popup menu -- a btn set to the "menu" style -- that contains
> > 55 items.  I was hoping I could limit the number of menu items
> > showing at any one time, and I really thought the menuLines property
> > would be the answer.  That property controls the appearance of a
> > combo box nicely, but seems to have no effect on an Option-style
> > button.  Anyone know if I'm doing something wrong or if there's
> > another way to accomplish this?
>Other than building a menu panel menu, there is no way.  At least in
>2.3 the menu will scroll if it's bigger than the screen...
>  Scott

> > I've just set the menuLines of an Option-style btn to 10 and it works fine
> > here, Craig. Did you mistype "menuLines" and end up with a userProperty
> > called "menuLnes"?
>The behavior depends on the look and feel setting.  On Windows, the
>option style is mapped to the "drop down list" control, which has a
>scrollbar just like the combobox does.  In Macintosh and Motif look
>and feel settings, the option menu looks like a regular menu and
>doesn't have the scrollbars, but does have scrolling arrows at the top
>and bottom if the menu is taller than the screen.
>  Regards,
>    Scott

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