As someone who can speak with great authority on how to do all kinds 
of MetaCard stuff wrong (!) I can suggest a couple things. But before 
I do that, I can vouch for the fact that the only thing wrong with 
your situation is likely the current path, either because it's 
misspelled or some other probably really simple mistake.

1) Are these disk image files located in a subfolder of your stack? 
This would probably be the most desirable setup. Then you could "set 
the directory" (a global MetaCard variable) to whatever the stack's 
path is.

2) This brings up the point of spelling. Could it be that there is a 
hard space or invisible character of some sort in the names of part 
of your path? If so, and the stack is in a parental relationship 
(after the DNA testing) to the graphics, something like the following 
statement in the stack script would set the path so you could then 
refer to the graphics using relative syntax. Then it would be totally 
transportable, it wouldn't matter how you had spelled the names of 
your drive, folders, etc., and it would adjust itself automatically 
on the fly.

     global vgPath

     on preOpenStack
       put the effective fileName of this stack into vgPath
       set the itemDel to "/"
       delete the last item of vgPath
       set the directory to vgPath
     end preOpenStack

Then if your stack's fileName was 
"/MacHD/Hoosis/Watsis/MyStack/" and a typical graphic was 
"/MacHD/Hoosis/Watsis/MyStack/Images/title.gif" you could refer to it 
within the stack thusly:

     set the fileName of image "MainTitle" to "Images/title.gif"

...and you could also move the MyStack folder anywhere on any machine 
and it would still work.


David Cramer, Process Innovation Evangelist          87-1313 Border Street
PBSC Computer Training Centres (an IBM company)      Winnipeg MB R3H 0X4
Corporate Office Research & Development              Canada

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