>We'll have to pass the buck on this one: just a few days ago this very
>topic came up on the Open Transport mailing list and apparently there
>*is* no really good solution to this problem available on MacOS.  My
>sense is that the situation isn't much better on Windows because any
>attempt to actually probe the state of the system may result in DUN
>being started up automatically.
Right, I just checked Microsoft and my favorite programming sites and it
seems that there are dozens of ways to check this but all methods fail in
one way or the other. For example there are a number of Windows functions
which test for a connection but they only work with IE 3.x or greater(I
wonder why:-). Other methods may work with dial up connections but fail
if you're connected in some other way. 

Tuviah Snyder
Custom Application Development & SuperCard/HyperCard Conversion at a low

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