Scott Rossi wrote:

> Recently, Kevin Miller wrote:
> > perhaps there is room for a new
> > function here?  How about mouseDownLoc()?
> At first I thought this was a good idea, but then it occurred 
> to me that it would probably be useful to make a distinction 
> between a "one-time" function (ie clickLoc, which doesn't 
> change if the mouse is moved) and a "continuous" function 
> (ie mouseLoc, which does change as the mouse is moved).

Am I missing something? What would your proposed function do that 

"if the mouse is down then return the mouseLoc"

doesn't already do?

> I'm not sure if clickDownLoc or downClickLoc make sense, 
> but I do think these imply the click-related aspect better 
> than mouseDownLoc.  I would expect mouseDownLoc to 
> continuously provide mouseLoc coordinates while the mouse 
> is down, as opposed to a click location.

And what would it return, if the mouse wasn't down?

> Does this make sense?  Any other ideas for an alternate syntax?

How about this:

"the mouseLoc" returns the current position of the mouse, regardless of
whether it is up or down (as it already does);

"the mouse" returns the state of the mouse (as it already does);

"the clickLoc" / "clickLoc()" keeps its current behaviour, for

"clickLoc(down)" returns the location where the click was begun (mouse
button pushed down);

"clickLoc(up)" returns the location where the click was finished (mouse
button released); If the mouse is still down from the previous click,
clickLoc(up) returns empty.

Steven D'Aprano

M.B. Sales Pty Ltd    Ph:  +61 3 9460-5244
A.C.N. 005-964-796    Fax: +61 3 9462-1161

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