I have run a test of functionality across HP-UNIX, UNIX SGI, Windows 98, and
Windows NT. The two issues I run into that may cause the biggest headaches
are resolution (both on the screen and when printing), and superimposition
of screen elements. For example, the pointer on a cascading button overlaps
the button's name on UNIX SGI and Win98. Also, the text in fields does not
wrap correctly on Win98; instead of wrapping to the next line, the text cuts
about one character off at the end of the line before wrapping. For example:

You have chosen 
the wacky button.

displays and prints in Win98 as:

You have chose 
the wacky butto

What are the best ways of avoiding this? Are there any strategies for
cross-platform development without constant text tweaking on each platform?
As for resolution, what are best practices for assuring acceptable


Lori C. Fraind
Delex Systems, Inc.
(703) 734-8300 x310

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