I'm seeing what I think is odd behavior when saving a stack as a 2.3
standalone on Windows.  The titlebar of the standalone shows up with the
stack name, not the stack title.

Under the MC editor, the stack title displays correctly.  I've saved the
stack three times now to confirm that I do have a title applied to the
stack.  I used the answer dialog in the standalone to confirm the stack
title is present.  And if I use brute force and set the title of the stack
to itself in a preOpenStack handler, the stack's title shows up as garbage

The style of this stack is a standard topLevel window.  Am I missing
something with regard to how stack titles are supposed to work?


Scott Rossi                       Tactile Media - Multimedia & Design
Creative Director                 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                  Web: www.tactilemedia.com

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