On Tue, 23 May 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I'm having some trouble making my printouts look like my screens.  I'm just
> using "Print this card".  It works well most of the time.  But the text size
> is slightly different on the printer and on the screen.  Does anyone have
> any hints on how to avoid this problem?

My favorite is: Use a UNIX or Macintosh system!  They were designed
intelligently and don't have this problem.

> I've got a sample at http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/phil/MC_Demo/.  The
> screen snapshot looks good to me.  I was hoping for the same thing when I
> printed it out.  The result, which I scanned back in, has one character
> partially chopped off.  On screens with more text, the problem gets worse.
> It looks like the text is slightly larger on the printed version AND the
> text is not being centered correctly on that version.  On the screen the
> space between the boxes and the text shows that there is about as much free
> space on either side of the field.  On the printed version, the text on the
> left side is in the same position, but the text on the right runs outside of
> the boundaries of the field.
> I'm working with Windows NT 4.0.  The font is Arial, a true type font.  The
> printer is an inkjet from HP.  The printer does not know postscript and it
> does not have its own fonts.  I'm using MetaCard 2.3.

The other solution is to set the "formatForPrinting" property of the
stack to true before printing, then print, then set it back to false.
Also note that due to the incredibly buggy in the HP printer drivers
(working around problems in which is by far our #1 driver-related
waste of time) this doesn't always work.  Better operation can be had
using the 2.3.1 release, currently in beta test.  Be sure the card or
stack has a font set, because fonts inherited from another stack (main
stack or Home stack) don't change when you set the formatForPrinting

PS: While we're on the subject, does anyone know anyone at HP that
gives a damn about the quality of their printer drivers?  We'd sure
like to get MetaCard in their test suite because it seems like every
time they come out with a new printer we lose several days of
development time trying to work around the bugs in them.

Scott Raney  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.metacard.com
MetaCard: You know, there's an easier way to do that...

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