On 7/6/00 8:55 pm, LORI FRAIND <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thank you for your responses. I guess my real question about the Icon
> Chooser is whether there is another way of accessing it than through the
> Stack Properties (when where I mostly will want to use it is for buttons),
> and whether there is a way to keep it up, as it is possible to let the font
> and color boxes up indefinitely.

You can opening it by running: toplevel "icon chooser".

> As we have a lot of stuff to put on each screen, we need to use as
> much real estate as we can. Also, I know that one of the aspects that played
> against MetaCard during our grueling trade study was that our HTML
> programmers had figured out how to make a browser screen dynamically set
> itself to fill the whole screen. So I don't think the backdrop will be a
> viable solution, since I know there are some folks here who are just waiting
> to tell me they told me so, and we should have gone with
> HTML/JavaScript/Perl/etc. adnauseum.

I assumed you wanted to design in a fixed space and simply fill in the
background otherwise.

If you want to make a MetaCard to *resize* to the screen, that is no
problem.  In the stack script:

on preOpenStack
  set the rect of this stack to the screenRect
  --run the following line only if you want to cover the taskbar too
  set the backdrop to black
end preOpenStack

To resize elements of the stack dependant on stack size, write a resizeStack
handler to scale the objects when the stack is scaled.  Check out the
resizeStack scripts in the MetaCard UI (e.g. "edit script of cd 1 of stack
"control browser"") for examples.  (If your stack has a lot of objects that
get scaled, you'll want to write a handler that calculates the new sizes, as
opposed to hard-coding them as is the case in say, the Control Browser.)



Kevin Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://www.xworlds.com/>
Cross Worlds Computing, MetaCard Distributors, Custom Development.
Tel: +44 (0)131 672 2909.  Fax: +44 (0)1639 830 707.

Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/metacard%40lists.best.com/
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Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

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