1.  For reasons I won't go into, I am using a mono-spaced font in a field
and spaces to format columns of text with different columns on subsequent
lines (so, "use tabs" isn't the answer here).  I wrote a simple routine to
format numbers to fit that works fine for numbers *except* those with
trailing zeros; metacard insists on deleting the trailing zeros.  I tried
forcing metacard to treat such numbers as strings, but it insists on seeing
them as numbers and deleting any trailing zeros.  Suggestions?  The number
formatting routine follows:

function form x,n,d
  -- n = total character length
  -- d = number of decimal digits
  put "               "&trunc(x*10^d+.5)/10^d into x
  put the length of x into z
  return char z-n+1 to z of x
end form

2. I almost always use mc as a fast hack tool to manipulate files, perform
computations, and the like, but only rarely (and just recently) to actually
create an application.  As a long-time hypercard user, I am used to being
able to use the drawing/painting tools from within a script to draw graphs
and the like.  I suspect I can do the same with the polygonal graphics
objects of mc, but how?  If I wanted to draw a line from point a to point b,
for example, how do I do it from within a script?  How do I even create such
an object in the first place?  I attempted to hack the demo stack on the
assumption that it must be doing something like this, but I have yet to
figure out how to load it without it immediately playing.

The comment/suggestion: for the mac os version of mc, I find the behaviour
of mc when I *drop* a stack on the mc icon to be inconsistent with the mac
os.  My expectation (even when I know better) is that that such an operation
will not only open the stack, but the full editing environment (i.e., home
stack) of mc as well.  For a mac user, it is downright inconvenient to have
to first launch metacard and then have to open the stack from the file menu.
I've forgotten (it has been a while since I programmed the mac at this
level) whether or not the information from the finder to an app
discriminates between a drop of and a dbl-click on an associated file.  But
if so, this would appear to be an easy fix.
Regarding Micro$loth: "Neither shall the Evil Empire dwell with thee" (Job)

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