On Wed, 28 Jun 2000, Dominique Delefortrie wrote:

> Suppose I want to output the content of a bg fld to a TEXT file (Mac OS)
> Or only the content of fields belonging to marked cards.
> I am obtaining an empty file...
> AS to explain myself, this is the script:
> ========
> on mouseup
>   ask file "Fichier de sortie :" with "Sortie xNotes"
>   if it is empty then exit mouseup
>   put it into laSortie
>   open file laSortie
>   go next
>   put number of marked cds into cartes
>   write recuperation(cartes) to file laSortie
>   close file laSortie
>   #open laSortie with "Tex-Edit Plus F" -- doesn't work with MC

This should work, though you have to specify "open process" or
"launch" and you do need the full path to the program.  Tuv Snyder's
externals package as a function that returns this.

Also note that you could simplify this whole process using a URL:
put recuperation(cartes) into url ("file:" & laSortie)

> end mouseup
> =======
> and in the card script:
> ======
> function recuperation x
>   put empty into larecup
>   put return & "--------------------" & return into sep1
>   put return &
> "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> -" & return into sep2
>   repeat x times
>     go next marked cd
>     put bg fld "letitre" & sep1 & bg fld "letexte" & sep2 after larecup
>   end repeat

I think you're missing a "return larecup" here...
> end recuperation
> =========
> With HyperCard (HC) there were only script -- I was obliged to cut the
> script in order to respect the 10 lines limit ;-)
> Where is (are ;-)) the ERRORs ?
> PS: The 2.3 version is very appealing -- after a certain adaptation time ;-))
> Above the rest, I do appreciate the COLOR treatment (compared to HC)
> domi  (-8

Scott Raney  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.metacard.com
MetaCard: You know, there's an easier way to do that...

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