
I have a problem that I need some advice about.

I'm making a simple horse jump situation.

The horse is moving in canter, on the spot (14 images changing with 
transparent background), with a 'repeat until the mouseclick'.
Graphics are moving (with 'move from xx to xx  in 3 seconds without 
waiting) as "jumps" toward the horse. When the mouse is clicked the images 
changes and the horse jumps over the jump(or whatever it's called). Then it 
continues canter.

Now I want to detect when the horse "bumps into" the jump. I've tried 
'intersect', which uses the rect of the image instead of the image itself. 
That's no good. I've tried 'within' together with the topleft of the jump 
grc. It works sometimes but is not fool proof.

What else can I try?

I can supply an "example stack" if needed.


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